7th Africa Water Week

October 29th - 2nd November, 2018

Toward Achieving Water Security and Safely Managed Sanitation for Africa”.


The Government of

the Gabonese Republic

Host Country

« Toward Achieving Water Security and Safely Managed Sanitation for Africa”


H.E. Ali Bongo Ondimba

President, Republic of Gabon

H.E. Ms. Amina J. Mohammed

Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations (TBC)

H.E. Sacko Josefa Leonel Correa

AU Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture

Hon. Prof. Makame Mbarawa MP.

AMCOW President

H.E. Hon. Patrick Eyogo Edzang

Minister of Water and Energy, Gabon (Host Minister)

AMCOW Executive Secretary

Dr. Canisius Kanangire

AMCOW Executive Secretary


AWW-7 supporters


AFDB Group


Sanitation And Water For All (SWA)

Early bird registration closes on 20th Sept. 2018. Hurry!. Get discounted fee…

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